Every company is able to protect their intellectual property, namely copyright, agreements, R&D, trade secrets and ideas instantly on blockchain as NFT assets.
Add your employees, freelancers, clients and investors, manage all the necessary agreements and licenses in one place.
Easily register all copyrights and ideas with NFT Copyright as legal-compliant NFTs with all licenses automatically managed.
Carefully manage the whole IP portfolio, use private share, create licenses or prepare for M&A or patenting.
Ми розробили нашу технологію для кожного художника, автора, винахідника та творця на планеті. Незалежно від того, над чим ти працюєш, тобі потрібно захистити це. Завдяки NFT Copyright — захист займе декілька хвилин!
Завдяки нашому унікальному підходу та потужності технології блокчейн ми створили процес реєстрації та захисту IP-прав максимально безпечним, доступним і зручним для користувача
Our rates are 75% lower than the industry standards, starting as low as $120 per month for b2b.
It takes seconds to protect the work, idea or copyright in a blockchain - hiding complexities.
Users can choose which data to disclose publicly, with teams and which to make encrypted & private.
* відповідає чинному законодавству про інтелектуальну власність відповідно до статті 4 розділу 401-412 Закону США про авторське право
Not possible to hack, steal or scam due to blockchain technology and encryption. Detailed rights management and protection on several blockchains.
Full legal adoption to use in courts, rights negotiations, and registration in state authorities, licensing and preparation for M&A or patenting.
We help you to put on auto-pilot protection of your ideas, IP and trade secrets, properly managing the relations with employees, clients and partners.
CEO, Co-founder
24y. Serial Entrepreneur; Founder of NIC.UA; Patent Attorney at; Influencer, TV Personality
CTO, Co-founder
Технологічний підприємець, криптоентузіаст, співзасновник Skipper, засновник BinVision Solutions
UI/UX Дизайнер, 3D та цифровий художник, відеодизайнер
Web2/Web3 розробник. UI/UX дизайнер. Ентузіаст NFT
Corporate Lawyer, KODEX Law firm Influencer, TV Personality
SEO Specialist
NIC.UA, Content and SEO Strategist
NFT Copyright is currently raising a pre-seed round and actively seeking investors and strategic partnerships. Join us in revolutionizing intellectual property protection through blockchain and NFT tech. Don't miss out on this exciting investment opportunity.
This summer, we launched our B2B sales, onboarding legal companies, startups and design agencies. We offer exclusive packages and conditions for the early clients. The number of spots is limited! Schedule a call today to secure your place!